@article{oai:nayoro.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001875, author = {Nomi, IWATA and 岩田, 直美}, journal = {紀要 = Bulletin of Nayoro City University, Bulletin of Nayoro City University}, month = {Mar}, note = {40021915844, application/pdf, 目的:パーキンソン病患者(以下,PD患者)の他者関係と主観的QOLの関係を明らかにする。他者関係とは,PD患者が日ごろ関わる家族,同じ病気(PD)の患者,友人,主治医,看護師,リハビリテーションスタッフとの関係である。 方法:神経内科診療科を持つ病院またはクリニックに通院するPD患者及び患者会に参加しているPD患者に対し,「難病患者に共通の主観的QOL尺度」を用いた調査を行った。総配布数は124名であり, 回収数は101名(回収率81.4%)。このうち記入漏れ,不備のなかった分析対象100名を分析対象とした(有効回答率99.0%)。 結果:主観的QOL得点の平均値は,全体で10.6±4.6点であった。男女別の得点は,男性11.1±4.4点,女性10.4±4.7点で,有意差はみられなかった。主観的QOL得点が有意に高かったのは,「同じ病気の患者との関係に満足している」「一般の友人との関係に満足している」の2項目であった。 結論:全般的に他者関係に対して肯定的な回答をしたPD患者は受容または志気が高い傾向が見られた。また,病いの苦しみを理解できる同病者や,友人といった家族や医療者以外との他者関係における満足感の向上が主観的QOLの向上に寄与する可能性が示唆された。, OBJECTIVE:To clarify the relevance of the relationship between others in Parkinson's disease patients (PD patients) and subjective quality of life (QOL). The relationship with others is a relationship with family members,patients with the same disease (PD), friends, doctors, nurses and rehabilitation staff to which PD patients relate in daily life. METHODS:We conducted a survey using the "Scale for Subjective QOL Common to Patients with lntractable diseases "for PD patients who attended hospitals or clinics with neurological departments and PD patients participating in the patient association. A total of 100 valid responses were analyzed. RESULTS:The avarage value for the subjective QOL scores was 10.6±4.6 as a whole. Scoring by gender was 11.1±4.4 for men and 10.4± 4.7 for females,but no significant difference was observed.For the two items, "I am satisied with the relationship with the same disease patient "and" I arn satisified with the relationship with a general friend", the subjectiv QOL score for the relationship with others was significantly higher. CONCLUSION:PD patients who responded positively to relationships with others generally tended to be receptive or motivated. And it was suggested that improvement of satisfaction for the relationship with someone other than family members and medical workers such as patients with the same disease who understand the sufferings of PD and friends could contribute to lmprovement of subjective QOL.}, pages = {37--44}, title = {パーキンソン病患者の他者関係と主観的QOLの関連に関する一考察}, volume = {13}, year = {2019}, yomi = {イワタ, ナオミ} }