@article{oai:nayoro.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001983, author = {Akiko, NUMAGUCHI and Yasuo, NAGASHIMA and Keita, KUDOH and Nozomi, KUBOTA and Aoi, KUROKAWA and Yukiko, HASEBE and 沼口, 晶子 and 長嶋, 泰生 and 工藤, 慶太 and 久保田, のぞみ and 黒河, あおい and 長谷部, 幸子}, journal = {紀要, Bulletin of Nayoro City University}, month = {Mar}, note = {120007044630, application/pdf, 【要旨】管理栄養士養成課程学生を対象として調理技能調査および質問紙調査を実施し,4年間の切砕技術の変容を調査した。調理技能調査の結果,1,2 年次には制限時間内に切り終わらない学生もいたが,4年次では全員が制限時間内に切り終えていた。切断物の評価は,どの年次でも「やや不揃い」,「不揃い」の学生が多かった。4 年間通して一人暮らしであった学生のうち半数以上が週 3~4 回以上食事作りをしていた。自炊を始めたことにより自身の切砕技術が向上したと考えている学生が多かった。日常の食事で「野菜そのものを買う」学生が多く,野菜を切るときに速さや均一さを「意識していない」学生が多かった。キャベツのせん切りをするときの包丁の持ち方は,全握式を選択した学生が多かった。均一さを備えた技術の習得には,切り方に応じた包丁の持ち方の指導,日常の食事作りにおいても速さや均一さの意識を持たせること,家庭で繰り返し練習させる課題の工夫が必要と考える。, Abstract: Students from a registered dietitian training program were administered questionnaires and cooking skills examinations to determine changes in their knife skills over the course of their four-year program. Examination of cooking skills revealed that, while all fourth-year students were able to complete a chopping task within the designated time limit, some first and second-year students were unable to do so. Evaluations of the chopped items found many students’ work to be “unevenness” or “a little unevenness,” regardless of year group. Of those students who lived alone during the four-year program, more than half cooked meals at least three or four times a week. Many students believed that their knife skills had improved as a result of them starting to cook for themselves. Many reported buying unprocessed vegetables for everyday meals, while a high number stated that they did not pay attention to speed or evenness when chopping vegetables. When choosing a knife grip for julienning cabbage, many students selected whole grip style. To allow students to master the skills needed to chop evenly, we must provide guidance on the knife grips appropriate to each cutting technique; encourage their awareness of the speed and evenness of their chopping, even in the preparation of their own daily meals; and devise tasks that will allow them to practice through repetition at home.}, pages = {25--31}, title = {管理栄養士養成課程学生における切砕技術の変容と課題}, volume = {15}, year = {2021}, yomi = {ヌマグチ, アキコ and ナガシマ, ヤスオ and クドウ, ケイタ and クボタ, ノゾミ and クロカワ, アオイ and ハセベ, ユキコ} }