@article{oai:nayoro.repo.nii.ac.jp:02000081, author = {Jun, KATO and Riho, OOTSU and Ami, TAKAHASHI and Yuka, TSUTIYA and Yusuke, SAITO and 加藤, 淳 and 大都, 莉穂 and 髙橋, あみ and 土谷, 由佳 and 齋藤, 優介}, journal = {紀要, Bulletin of Nayoro City University}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, 【要旨】赤インゲン豆「きたロッソ」は,北海道立総合研究機構十勝農業試験場で育成された,日本で初めてとなるサラダや煮込み料理などの洋風料理向けの新品種である。「きたロッソ」は,従来品種の「福良金時」や米国産「レッドキドニー」と比較して,より洋風料理に向いた調理加工特性を有し,外観品質や食味に対する評価も高かった。本研究における栽培試験実施条件(高温干ばつ年)では,収穫時期による明確な差異は認められなかった。圃場において収穫可能な水分条件に達した後では,収穫時期による違いは調理加工特性に大きな影響を及ぼさないものと推察された。, Abstract : “Kita Rosso” is the first new variety of red kidney bean bred at the Tokachi Agricultural Experiment Station of the Hokkaido Research Organization, for use in Western-style dishes such as salads and stews. “Kita Rosso" has more Western-style cooking and processing characteristics than the conventional variety "Fukura Kintoki" and "Red Kidney" variety from the U.S., and was highly evaluated for its appearance and taste. No clear differences were observed between the harvest times under the conditions of this study (hot and dry years). After moisture conditions suitable for harvest were reached in the field, differences in harvest times had no significant effect on the cooking and processing characteristics.}, pages = {17--24}, title = {赤インゲン「きたロッソ」の調理加工特性と収穫時期の影響}, volume = {18}, year = {2024}, yomi = {カトウ, ジュン and オオツ, リホ and タカハシ, アミ and ツチヤ, ユカ and サイトウ, ユウスケ} }