@article{oai:nayoro.repo.nii.ac.jp:02000088, author = {Kazuyoshi UEHARA and Satomi YAMAMOTO and Ikumi TAKAGI and 上原, 主義 and 山本, 里美 and 高儀, 郁美}, journal = {紀要, Bulletin of Nayoro City University}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, 【要旨】本研究の目的は,教員が作成した事例と看護師役・高齢者役の体験を活用した「アクティビティケア」演習において,学生が得た学びの内容を明らかにし,今後の講義・演習・実習での指導内容・方法を構築するための基礎資料とすることである.学生の演習後レポートの内容を,KH Coderの「共起ネットワーク」を用いて単語の共起関係を探索することでカテゴリー化した.その結果,≪高齢者が安心してアクティビティケアに参加できる計画の立案と実施≫≪使用する物品の工夫と改善≫≪看護師役の声かけと高齢者役の体験≫≪心身機能と社会参加の維持・QOLの向上≫≪場の雰囲気づくり≫≪脳への刺激≫のカテゴリーが抽出された.学生は,ロールプレイを体験することで,アクティビティケアの効果を学ぶことができた.しかし,高齢者に対する声かけに関しては,指導方法を改善していく必要があることが明らかとなった., Abstract: The purpose of the study is to analyze the amount of knowledge retained by students in “Activity Care Practice” using case studies curated by teachers who are experienced nurses, to analyze the role of older adults in gerontological, and to provide basic data for constructing contents and methods to teach future lectures, conduct practices, and practicum. The data from the students’ post-practice reports were categorized by searching for word co-occurrence relationships in KH Coder’s “co-occurrence network.” As a result, the following categories were extracted: “Planning and implementation of plans that enable older adults to participate in activity care without anxiety,” “Devising items to be used and their improvement,” “Experience of communicating as a nurse and the experience of acting as an older adult,” “Maintaining mind/body function and improving community participation/improvement in quality-of-life,” “Creating a pleasant atmosphere,” and “Activation of the brain.” The activity care practices effectively helped the students learn by allowing them to experience role-play. However, it became evident that the teaching methods for communicating with older adults need improvement.}, pages = {73--79}, title = {老年看護学「事例とロールプレイを活用したアクティビティケア演習」における学生の学び -テキストマイニングによる演習後レポートの分析}, volume = {18}, year = {2024}, yomi = {ウエハラ, カズヨシ and ヤマモト, サトミ and タカギ, イクミ} }