@article{oai:nayoro.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000045, author = {Shoko, MINAMIYAMA and Jun, IWAMOTO and 南山, 祥子 and 岩元, 純}, journal = {紀要, Bulletin of Nayoro City University}, month = {Mar}, note = {110007622409, application/pdf, 本研究は、蒸気温熱シートを用いて、肩甲部皮膚加温による血流増加効果と温熱感覚への効果を観察し、併せて血流変化が肩こりの自覚症状にどのような影響を与えるかを検討した。被験者は肩こりを自覚する健康な女性8名で、座位にて10分間安静の後、蒸気温熱シートを肩甲部に30分間貼付し、除去後20分間安静を保った。加温によって肩甲部皮膚温は、33.2℃から42.9℃に上昇し、皮膚血流と僧帽筋血流も有意に増加した。温熱感覚尺度は高い得点を示し、肩こりの指標である「こり」と「はり」は有意に低下した。「痛み」は緩和傾向にあるものの有意差は検出できなかった。皮膚血流と筋血流の増加は、痛みの緩和に対して有意な相関を示した。また、筋血流増加は「こり」の緩和と相関し、皮膚血流増加は「はり」の緩和と相関した。この結果から、肩こりの主要症状である「こり」と「はり」は、異なった発生メカニズムによって生じる独立した症状であることが示唆された。, This study observes the effectiveness of warming the neck and shoulders topically with a heat and steam-generating compress to increase blood flow and alleviate discomfort and seeks to clarify the effects of changed blood flow on symptoms of neck and shoulder pain (NSP) . The subjects, 8 healthy females complaining of NSP, were asked to rest in a seated position for 10 minutes, after which a heat and steam-generating compress was applied topically to the neck and shoulder area for 30 minutes. After removal of the compress, subjects rested an additional 20 minutes. During warming, average skin temperature rose from 33.2℃ to 42.9℃ and blood flow increased significantly both in the skin and in the trapezius muscles. Criteria for measuring the effects of warming were scored highly, with subjects reporting a significant decrease in sensations of stiffness and tightness. There appeared to be a tendency toward the easing of pain as well, although the data did not indicate any significant change. The increase of blood flow in skin and muscles was shown to correlate significantly with an easing of pain. Also, the increase of muscular blood flow was found to correlate positively with an easing of stiffness, while the increase of blood flow in skin correlated positively with an alleviation of tightness. These results indicate that stiffness and tightness, the principal symptoms of NSP, are brought on by differing mechanisms and develop independently of each other.}, pages = {27--34}, title = {肩こり女性の肩甲部蒸気加温における温熱効果}, volume = {4}, year = {2010}, yomi = {ミナミヤマ, ショウコ} }