@article{oai:nayoro.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000097, author = {Hisashi, ITODA and 糸田, 尚史}, journal = {市立名寄短期大学紀要, Bulletin of Nayoro City University}, month = {Mar}, note = {110007149234, application/pdf, ある年の,ある地域における就学指導委員会にかかわった。22名の児童について,発達検査や知能検査などの心理検査が行われ,学校教育を受ける場として,通常の学級がよいのか,それとも特殊学級がよいのかの検討がなされた。多くの児童に,今でいう発達障害ないしは軽度発達障害が疑われた。通常の学級で指導されているこれらの児童には,学級の編成や教育課程の編成における配慮,早朝や放課後などの補習,校内の協力体制の確立,教材・教具の工夫,個別の教育プランなどの特別支援教育が必要であると思われた。, I was once involved with a school admissions and placement advisory committee. Twenty-two (22) students were administered psychological tests to measure development and intelligence, then results were examined to determine which children should be placed in regular classes, and which in special classes. Many of the children were suspected of having what is now called a developmental disorder or a mild form thereof. It was felt that there is a need for special education support for these children, currently in regular classes, such as supplementary early-morning or after-school classes, the establishment of systems for co-operation in the school, consideration for the formation of separate classes and curricula, innovations in teaching materials and methods, and individually personalized educational plans.}, pages = {17--32}, title = {軽度発達障害児に対する就学指導と特別支援教育}, volume = {40}, year = {2007}, yomi = {イトダ, ヒサシ} }